Immortal Spirit

Then somebody question: But, as IT created me in perishable meat? IT created in them in Immortal Spirit. The Spirit is who commands the body and can grow with it, therefore the substance is not its enemy as much people say. Without the Spirit the body nor is of foot. FOR the LIGHT WIND OF the DAY When they had heard the voice Mr. Deus, who walked in the garden for the light wind of the day, had hidden of the presence Mr. Deus, the man and its woman, among the trees of the garden. Gnesis de Moiss, CAP.

Mr. Deus to the man and it asked to it: Where you are? 10? It answered: I heard your voice in the garden, and, because he was naked, I had fear, and I hid myself. Gnesis de Moiss, CAP. 3:9 the 12. I advise to you that of me you buy fine gold for the fire to become rich itself, white vestiduras to be dressed, so that she is not manifest the shame of your nudez, and colrio for ungires the eyes, so that you see.