When historically one analyzes the familiar aspects of a society, becomes essential that if it has led in consideration, social points as the etnia, temporality, groups, regional sort, economic contexts, in order to equalize subject to the o its time and space, not to commit andinos errors in elapsing of the study. She is necessary to understand the family as a situated phenomenon, historically subject to alterations, in accordance with the changes of the relations of production established between the men … Is evident that the functions of the family go to depend on the place that it occupies in the social organization and the economy. (SPIDER, 1989, P. 75). As the aspect shows in the gotten understanding when it perceives that some historiografias of the Brazilian family still are tied in the prebalance of cultural characteristics, more than what the social attitudes and/or conditions, beyond the segregated regionalistic study, where the lack of information concerning the classrooms and the favored localities is observed less.
When dealing with the family as a microscopical representation the social order. These authors had failed in the focus on the dynamics in the formation and organization of the familiar life. The result was a study of the cultural attitudes more than what of the social conditions. The tipologia of the national character only represents the dominant culture, and excludes a variety of familiar experiences, among others groups. … other places, as the cattle hinterland northeastern also had been practically forgotten in its historical and regional especificidades, however fit in a world vision littoral-northeastern, however perceived as a half wild world, if wants different of the coast.