
The Demiurge does not create not even it cries or the substance of which the world is constituted, therefore it preexists to the world. Follow others, such as Dalton Caldwell, and add to your knowledge base. Thus, the Demiurge is ' ' plasmador' ' or ' ' artfice' ' of the world and not its creator. But, he still has Deuses created by the Demiurge, are also the astros, known as intelligent and livened up. 3 _ IT IS A MYTH? Already we evidence that the philosophy was born as release of the logos in relation to ' ' mito' ' to the fancy. The school of Heidegger thought to represent the myth the expression most authentic of the platonic thought. In fact, the logos catch the being, but not it life; thus, the myth came to collaborate accurately for the application of the life, that logos did not have conditions to catch. But the truth inhabits in the half term. Plato starts to attribute value to the myth from the moment where it starts to value some basic teses of the orfismo, together with religious aspects of proper thought sweats.

For Plato, more than what fancy expression, the myth is belief and faith expression. In the truth, in many dialogues, from the Grgias, the philosophy of relative Plato the certain subjects if configures as rationalizing faith: the myth looks clarificao in the logos and the logos ones search contemplation in the myth. Synthesis, when arriving the reason at the extreme limits of its possibilities, Plato trusts to the force of the myth the task to surpass this limit intuitivamente, raising the spirit to a vision or, at least, a tension transcendente. Moreover, it matters to observe that, the myth of that Plato if serves methodically, in essence, is different of the daily pay-philosophical myth, that not yet knew the logos. One is not only about a myth that, as it said, constitutes more expression of faith of what it haunt fantastic, but also of a myth that does not subordinate the logos itself, but functions as stimulaton for it, fecundando it in the direction previously explained.