How much bigger the escolaridade level, minor would be in the distance enters the incomes of the not black blacks and; however, a fact ' ' curioso' ' it was verified in this analysis: the blacks with incomplete complete and superior education average had had 4,5% profits and the not black ones had had 12,6% addition; for the blacks with superior education it had reduction of 9,7% and for the not black addition of 1,4%. That is, even though with qualification, however the insertion difficulty persists productive however me the remuneration for the given works. Soon, still it has very work for the Secretariat of Politics of Promotion of the Racial Equality? SEPPIR. The promotion of actions continued with the three governmental spheres (federal, state and municipal) already is sufficiently intense, significant and coesa, but the attempt of improvement in the quality of life of a population that inherits the escravistas stigmata, doubtlessly, is not an easy task. In the area of work, job and income, this fight for the equity is still bigger. After all, ' ' the work market is a relation of being able that it refers to, permeia and involves all the forms and spheres of the life social' '.
(Claus Offe, 1985) At last, the promotion, the accompaniment and the evaluation of affirmative actions urge face to the favorable reality of the market of work for the blacks in Brazil. To fight this shameful and precarious social situation must be the uninterrupted fight of the politics of promotion of the racial equality. After all, paraphrasing the epigraph of the group Carioca Farofa, this etnia that made and makes history, that insurance this country in the arm, that fought (and still fight) subtle and bravely for justice and respect she is not worthy to continue being the meat cheapest of the market. REFERENCES BORGES, ngela. Market of work: more than one decade of precarizao. In: DRUCK, Favour. FRANC, Tnia (org). The loss of the corporate name of the work: terceirizao and precarizao.
They are Pulo: Boitempo, 2007. OAK, Jose Murilo of. Citizenship in Brazil: the long way. 5 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Brazilian civilization, 2004. OFFE, Claus. Disorganized capitalism: transformations contemporaries of the work and the politics. So Paulo: Brasiliense, 1985. SANTANA, Olvia. Available in. Access in: 06.12.10 I KNOW (Supervision of Economic and Social Studies of the Bahia). Available in. Access in: 11.12.10