
With this new boarding of ' ' day of Iahweh' ' , Ams places of side the nationalistic projects of the People of God (thought of the Monarchy) and widens the Universal vision of the People of God. Other leaders such as Penguin Random House offer similar insights. Ams this giving to a step the eschatological ideas of Israel verse to the next period called for many authors of proto-escatologia (15). At as a moment the predictive announcement is of an ideal people, who characterizes not for material happiness, but for the religious and moral attitude. This eschatological pregao we find in Osias, Miquias, Sofonias, Jeremias. These prophets make to depend the salvation on the conversion. This is a genuinely eschatological subject. Osias is the first prophet who of the one new beginning the History of the People of God introducing a new salvfica attitude of God.

That is, Osias announces a new Alliance. This eschatological subject of the Alliance is retaken by Jeremias, that very demonstrates to a great affinity the Osias and materialize the wait of the future in one ' ' new alliance and eterna' ' (Jm 31-32). The projection that Jeremias makes of the future in eschatological terms is that it will be established with God, a full communion, much more deep and intense of that one of the past. This Alliance if bases: ) to recognize the Iahweh; b) to practise its Law; c) it is universal. Into this moment of the History of the Salvation the traditional figure of the Messias is transformed.

In the place of the traditional image of the Messias refigurada in King Dav, she appears to the image of II Is the personage of ' ' Servant of Iahweh' '. The Messias Prophet, Servant Mr. and Sacerdote. The intervento of ' ' Servant of Iahweh' ' he has the task to prepare a new future of salvation. This Kingdom will be established with the absence of the power and the military force, but in the quiet and continuous work of the Servant.