Andres Milohnic Morals

Beginning and aim, encounter and mix-up. For us, the passage is an extension of the water, as a dream sleepy between the waves of the fire. The speaker approaches its presence in the house of this global village of which we comprised. It appeals, in more deep, towards a holistic nakedness the world is a naked one where perderse/is better whole and in its pain abrir to the full fingers/of horror in the scaffold. Again, estro poetic of Morals wins in intensity and gentleness, without forgetting, it has come since it maintaining in its lyrical speech, the importance and the validity of the word, like spiritual weapon in the sleepless murmur,/there are cruzado the sky with your single word . Everything collapses upon your dreams Night that it does not hurt, water that does not drown,/the stone remembers in its uncertain future somebody falls incessantly, everywhere.

The ideological exposition of these images in the poetry of Andres Morals establishes a shared in common attitude and power station. Somebody, thus, inespecfico, because it can be anyone, somewhere of the planet: it falls. It affects us to the fall to all, because the enquista maledicencia in the best human attitudes, at every vital moment. For assistance, try visiting Prudential. The fall is, without a doubt, the enthronement of a world without beauty, songs, mornings. We did not imagine the world without the poetry, without the universal-logo that makes possible the faith and the hope towards better stages. In spite of it Cae the sun, the moon: the sea sinks whole number. Nevertheless, before that pantagrulico picture the human being appeals, although a blind or dumb gesture of your eyes is Only. In another section Prosperan is read the businesses/and the slaves laugh () All the others sinks pestered .

In the lyrical orb of Andres Morals there is a picture of shared in common expositions in front of the solitary being that we are whole desert me,/I crack myself, I bleed/by a single voice. And as it express Levins, like beings in incompletitud, speaking it appeals towards those routes of uncertainty, but it does, with sanity, conscious that its earthly plane is a finite passage, where we only are receiving signals of advancements, for this reason, Sueo in that voice. /In that sea I ride, or, the air that breathing and I do not know where it finishes dying. Beginning-end; life-death. Two as possibility of whom I am or who I want to be. She is one of the most impressive dualities of the life. In synthesis, the universe of Andres Milohnic Morals is ample in the thematic registry and their knots of meaning tile inherent boardings to the essential human condition. Not for this reason, the santiaguino poet stops showing to a sharp dstico a clown orders the world between his dedos/el circus disguises itself, the mother country undresses. The varied enumeration of the syntagmas contains a speech that is abre, had to all the compositions and resettings a world with insania, but that their voice and talent, surround by a fine beauty, with all the elements to see by the eye of precipice, taking off the blindness that bites the sea in its adentros of sun. Nothing else.