Ahead of the social events and perceiving the necessity of a science that defined the society, Durkein determines that the object of study of sociology is the social facts. the sprouting of the same one if gave from the sprouting of the capitalism. For the same author (wilkipdia, 2010), it is the society, as collective, that it organizes, conditions and controls the individual actions. The individual learns to follow norms and rules imposed for the society (the laws, customs, etc. that are passed of generation in generation. and it does not have the right to modify them.
Already for Weber, sociology is a science that it looks to understand the social action. Therefore, it considered the individual and its action as point key of the inquiry evidencing what for it was the starting point for sociology. It considers Sociology as a science of the behavior human being, in the measure where this behavior is social. Century XVIII, however, was marked by transformations, having made the man to analyze the society the society, new ' ' objeto' ' of study. This situation was generated by the revolutions industrial and French, that had completely changed the course that the society was taking at the time. The industrial revolution, for example, represented the consolidation of the capitalism. It was inside of this context that appeared sociology, science that, exactly before being considered as such, stimulated the reflection of the modern society placing as ' ' object of estudo' ' the proper society, having as main articuladores August Conte and mile Durkheim. Understood and organized, Weber delineates the famous description of the bureaucratization as a change of the organization based on values and action (the call traditional authority) for an organization guided for the objectives and action (called legal-rational). mile Durkheim is widely recognized as one of the best theoreticians of the concept of the social cohesion.