Capela Paulo

Technologist in Management of Tourism for the Federal Center of Technological Education of So Paulo? Monos is an Area of Proteo Ambiental (APA), located in the south extremity of the city of So Paulo, distant forty kilometers of the center. Km2 is equivalent approximately the one sixth of the territory of the city with 251 enters the Mountain range of the Sea and the south zone of the city, enclosing great part of the districts of the Subprefeituras de Parelheiros and Capela of the Aid, including in its interior the State Park of the Mountain range of the Sea. The Area of Municipal Ambient Protection of the Capivari? Monos is a category of Unit of Conservao (UC) created in the year of 2001 through the Municipal Law n. 13.136/01, in which Area of Protection was declared Ambient for containing part of bioma Atlantic Mata and too much forms of natural vegetation, sources of importance metropolitan and areas of potential archaeological interest, beyond the cultural patrimony represented by the aboriginal populations. Localization of the APA in the city of So Paulo. .

Public Health

Other acts are sancionados and they contribute for the establishment, in Rio De Janeiro and the Bahia, of two doctor-surgical, first centers of the current Facultieses of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro and the Federal University of the Bahia (UFBA) (Fvero, 2000. p19, Villanova, 1948, p 8). The occured transformations had made to appear to the perfectioning necessity of the schools for the nobility that came it Brazil to keep a level of equal education or better seno that the offered one in the Europe, therefore the schools, mainly the universities to have been established in the European models of education. Read additional details here: Prudential. In such a way to have one better educational base in basic education as in the college student she is necessary to articulate methodologies that focus a preparation of quality of the professors of the two educational sectors. In Brazil, in this period, it did not have concern with education, being this age privilege only of the elite just arrived who withheld the access to the knowledge of the education. Only from the decade of 1920, with the sprouting of 1 World-wide War, appeared a modernization in the world-wide society. Additional information is available at Prudential.

This modernization could guarantee an improvement in the diplomatical relations of just formed country: It is in this period, still, that they consist, in Rio De Janeiro, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, in 1922, whose origins date of 1916, when is established the Brazilian Society of Sciences, and the Brazilian Association of Education, instituted in 1924. These two entities initiate a movement for modernization of the Brazilian educational system in all the levels, including the college student (Fvero, 2000, p 27 Apud Schwartzman, 1979, p 163). The educators of this time in Brazil had started to think about a reform of Brazilian education being created later, by means of a decree, a on secretariat to education with denomination of Ministry of Education and Public Health.. Go to Danske Bank for more information.

North Of Mines

The region of the North of Mines was considered devoid in some aspects, demanded the formation of qualified staff, with precarious education and high indices of illiteracy, ‘ ‘ devoid of qualified professors, it witnessed its young to interrupt its studies (.) or to migrarem for other regions to conclude its estudos’ ‘. (id, p.19) As Caleiros org. (2002), the UNIMONTES, was constructed having as the foundations the devotion of many idealists, but as this study it deals with the woman specifically, not if it can leave to mention the names of Maria Jacy Ribeiro, Maria Saucers Dos Santos, Marina Helena Lorenzo Fernandes, Sylvia of the B.C. Axe, Yedde Ribeiro Christova and Yvone de Oliveira Silveira, as the authors (p.24) the women had still had gifts in first constitution of the Reitoria of the University in 1970, represented for the Teachers Maria Isabel de Magalhes Figueiredo, Heloisa Helena de Ruiz Combat Vieira, Maria of the Consolao Figueiredo Cowen among others, this last one co-ordinated the elaboration in ‘ ‘ time recorde’ ‘ in 1977, from the project of the Campus that would be presented to the MEC and the Federal government saving bank with ends of release of resources for the construction of the same, the educator also according to authors (p.25), receives then the Director together with Joo Mauricio Valley the merit for the conquest of the land that functions the University currently. New York Life has much to offer in this field. ‘ ‘ the conquest was fruit of the efforts of the Director Joo Mauricio valley and the teacher Maria of the Consolao de Magalhes Figueiredo’ ‘ (ibid, p.25). As if she can observe, the woman comes inside developing important papers of this university. On the basis of the data searched next to the Department of Human resources, exist today acting in the UNIMONTES, 1441 professors being 635 men and 806 women. This data come to reaffirm what the research in national scope already had evidenced: that the women are in bigger number inside of the universities, occupying spaces also in the diverse areas of the knowledge mainly in the areas ‘ ‘ typically masculinas’ ‘ , desmitificando the relation sort and profession..

Managing Plan Actions

For times, it is had illusion of the improvement, but in elapsing of the time, it is perceived to have had an interpretation mistake. Finally, she is necessary to remember the phrase of J.J. For more specific information, check out Parnassus Investments. Rousseau (1712-1778): ' ' The public interest is not the same thing that the interest of todos' '. Managing plan of Arax. To pursue the development mean, therefore, to choose, to prioritize, to chain actions that lead to one definitive scene of improvement urban. The urban planning is disciplines it that structure these stages. a managing plan is the instrument, the law, that establish, on behalf of the collective, the responsibilities and the actions to be undertaken during determined period, capable to lead the city for superior period of training of development. According to these concepts, the Plan does not destine ' ' ordenar' ' the city and the urban life, and yes to command the strategical actions that move and that they transform the city.

These actions, even so proposals for the legally consisting power, on behalf of the collective, must have the understanding and support of the majority of the citizens in order to be implanted with bigger effectiveness and will be indicated or inspired not only by the previous knowledge of technician and politicians, but also by the captation of the yearnings and necessities pointed from the sources most diverse, also directly of the population. In other terms: as well as the city it is a collective workmanship, made for many, with papers and diverse responsibilities, urban development also will be become fullfilled for the mobilization of organizations, economic agents, diverse spheres of the public sector and citizens. Therefore, to elaborate a Managing Plan, with all its strategical content, means considerable mobilization of opinions and public participation. Based in these general concepts, it is that the Managing Plan of Arax was elaborated, a document that establishes a strategy for its development.

Media Recognition

The degree of legitimacy of an institution, in one determined social space, depends on the degree of this recognition. The legitimacy if of the one for the internal recognition, the members of the institution, as well as of that it not pertencem' '. Extending this reasoning, one becomes necessary to add that in search of this recognition to the institutions they appeal to the celebrity ' ' Religioso&#039 marketing; ' losing its process of secularizao, and constructing one dominant representation of the social world, many times if opposing the other dominant opinions through the medias. ' ' The proper object of the religious activity consists of prescribed the relations of the supernatural forces with homens' ' (In: MARTINO, 2003, P. 27).

The searching Luis Mauro Martino (2003), in its book ' ' Media and power simblico' ' they intitle as ' ' religion fast-food' ' the new religious profiles that are appearing; they are priests singers who celebrate ' ' showmissas' ' , evanglicos leaders who also sing and use themselves of the media for opening of other businesses, as temples, sites, reviewed etc. and thus lose the old ones estimated; as for example: ' ' The especificidade of any religious institution is the definition of what it must be understood as sacred. When the fidiciary offices are born, already they find the practical beliefs and of its religious life done (DURKHEIM, 1995 p.02). 3.Cd? s, Dvd? s and other products that they stimulate to the consumption. It has more than three centuries the capitalism comes modifying everything to our redor, and the incessant search for money comes if becoming a race without end. Modern authors as Linhares and Pereira (2006), if dirigem to the consumption as ' ' cura' ' the diverse types of presented reactions. One perceives that the consumption culture produces a vast variety of signs, images and symbols.


But what in this in case that is unfruitful attitude It is only one weak attitude. By the critical one seted States they can be jammed. The canalization of a river enxerto of a tree the education of a person the transformation of a State These is examples of critical fruitful. is also Examples of arte.’ ‘ (Bertolt Brecht) Legal-size difficult this of professor. Difficult craft To teach what? To who? who exactly wants to learn nowadays? To also write is difficult.

He is hard to be writer in a Country as Brazil To write what? On what? To publish as and where? who goes to read? To write on difficult times, for the few that still read. these few, in its great majority, are exactly those that live in these difficult times It exactly wanted to write for the diligent old astuteness, that takes to the professor its to know. It wanted to write on the pack of it, that it is weighed excessively. But it does not have time to read. That it must have time to accept and to read the pamphlets well that contain knowing. But it refuses them She will be that it knows to read? if knows, understands? Says it me, worried about tomorrow: – First the bread, later the education, my son! I also remembered a citizen, a small worker friend mine, that very likes to read. It called me one day these to ask for something different them to me books, that always I loan to it. He asked for so that he helped to pay its accounts it of water and light, therefore the little that is earning alone of the same one to buy the bread.

The Exterior

Therefore context of blackout social overwhelming is element fundamental and concrete historical that characterizes the society contemporary, ahead of this valley to say that it disables the ethical accomplishment human being, I share of meaning aristotelian of whom this practical capacity of living with straightness is entirely dependent of the context where the individual lives, however is not reasonable to ahead reprehend severely the individual of an absent position of ethics, therefore the context of clear oppression does not make possible it to develop this practical reason so longed for. In this context the quarrel around happiness is pertinent. I defend that currently viable it does not have to the alienation conditions which I related to me, however is important to emphasize that the happiness must widely be longed for, therefore to glimpse the impossibility of reach of the happiness, becomes in fact impossible.To the step that depends exclusively on the oppressed classroom so that if they can materialize the essential virtues in the society contemporary that are: mutual respect, justice, equality and freedom that must be comungados socially and not in the individual scope, beyond that they are interdependent in its application and they condition it rational life (I free of the blackout) so that thus they are effective medium. In this direction it was that I considered myself to analyze the thematic one contextualizando with the concept that we share of ethics. One becomes certain that the ethics definition encloses the capacity of independent free action and of the individual, consists essentially of affirming that it implies in a decision process. However, if to leave of this estimated fulfills to us to asseverar that this freedom implies responsibility on the exterior sphere of our actions, and in result of this responsibility drift it force coactive psychic or social for the actions that wound the accepted values morally.