Kristoff Divine

So entirely new candidate markets can for some jobs open up, who were marginalized despite possible qualification otherwise alone due to the nature of the vacancy to the edge. rance+Company/14275793.html’>Arena Investors, another great source of information. And shows the development of the market: the sound advertisement will permanently enforce. Now jump more and more HR marketing agencies on the train? From a technical perspective, which will be ready MP3 audio file using HTML and a stand-alone player in the display produced fitted. “A navigation button directly on” the display allows the job seekers, to play the sound track as many times as he wants. Through the use of HTML5, the sound advertisement also on modern mobile devices is easily anzeig – and playable.

Here an example: the benefits are obvious: the sound job advertisement is a service for companies of all sizes, professions and industries of all kinds. Low effort – great effect. The recognition value increases automatically, because the job offer, and thus the companies, the competitors apart. The address of the applicant is still individual, personal and emotional. Contribution to the accessibility easily on mobile devices can be used a musical job ad is currently on almost all German-speaking job markets possible points combined GmbH offers different packages of Anzeigenschaltungs for various industries and professions (including sound) on request also individual combinations.