
After all, nobody is perfect Gafe. Of where appeared this word? Which its derivatives? &#039 exists some determination for the prefix; ' Ga' ' the suffix ' ' Fe' '? In accordance with the symbologies, gafe is synonymous of events that can lead to the embarrassment, either for a propositais incautiousness or attitudes. A person who commits gafes is equal to any another one. No matter how hard he is clarified or he possesss an inferior cultural level, all we are premade use to commit this such attitude. To the times, when we leave to fulfill with some thing, leaving the time to pass, as if we were taking that with the belly, finishes happening of in seeing them, suddenly, half that enclosed, being obliged to admit one definitive action.

No matter how hard we never wanted that happened, it finished happening, seems that it was written that went to roll It is an unexpected moment that, depending on the case, makes with that let us have will to disappear of the map Ours, why it will be that we are obliged to pass for definitive situations of vexame? What really in it led to feel that in the skin? Negligence, lack of care, plans badly elaborated or simply nothing? In accordance with some studies not very complex, when we commit one gafe, are because however we want to explanar an internal feeling that was asleep or then we find that the things do not go to happen as we do not want Really, one is limped Modern words as ' ' gafe' ' , ' ' mico' ' , ' ' mancada' ' others, are terms that had advanced the time together with and with the creativity human being. It would be a fatal error of the mind human being? It will be that to allow that our wills and yearnings say high more it is so bad thus, since this can lead to a constrangedora situation that can make with that let us lose until a sleep night? Will be this so badly pra head of the human being? when come it the consequences of one gafe? No matter how hard it does not have none, they come the frustration or repentance moments. The collections are enormous, therefore never we wanted that had happened. It is a question of character, in such a way charging in them for a espalhafatosa situation that we can commit? The group of it leaves pra there does not import but the majority of ' ' gafeiros' ' they have will of if shooting under of a truck After all, we are livings creature. We are endowed with perfeies and many imperfections. ocedures to achieve this success. The errors make in them to learn. remains in them to be pardoned I am people and I am happy. If you would like to know more then you should visit American Express.

Average Age

Guiding itself for the old history it is comprovadamente natural that a virile man, msculo, and aggressive by its very nature has as part of its nature, the bissexualidade. It is possible to affirm then that, these two ways of the sex are inside of each and of all human being, what rejects the practical one of this is the culture, that allows or forbids the exposition of such feelings. Danske Bank oftentimes addresses this issue. Sexuality in the Average Age In the medieval period, new values, customs and subjetividades turned around the generated affectivity/sexuality from the patrsticas doctrines. All these teachings induced to the disdain to the body and the sexuality, that if they mixed to the rationality of the philosophers of the Antiquity, with strong inclination to the estoicismo and ascetismo. In this period had priority the chaste marriage life, produced under strong psicossociais, cultural, economic e, over all religious influences. The approach was in sexual the affective union/between man and woman, followed of the procreation desire. The marriage, beyond these attributes still served as prevention to the sins of the incontinence.

The Average Age only admitted the sex as procreation and for the kingdom of God. However, the proper church, idealizer and radicalizadora of the sex that was not for procreation ends finished for recognizing in its proper seio different interstices to leave to flow other subjetividades, as it demonstrates Leers: … in the Average Age the diversity of occidental cultural pictures and the sequence of the times do not make to wait steady uniformity of the customs in redor of the sex and married life. While clerical literature demonstrates to a continuation sufficient insurance of the same norms, prohibitions and arguments, the ethos popular, joint of standards of sexual behavior of the peoples, it presents an image well more complex and varied of taboos and religious social tolerances When the religion and? not necessarily the catholic? she does not obtain to explain what she runs away to its control, normally appeals ' ' she exempts arbtrio' ' , today, more modernly she appeals yourself ' ' change of energia' '.

Psychology Attendance

It is observed that the clinic-schools in a generalized manner come extending its area of attendance, offering atendimentos psychological pupils, employees and all the community in general. These atendimentos can be in psicodiagnstico, professional orientation, psicomotricidade, in different theoretical areas and boarding. (ROMAN; CAPTAIN, 2003). One perceives, thus, that the clinic-school offers diversified attendance to the people who search its services. On the other hand, these users bring for the context of the clinic-school problems also varied, what he demands of the trainees of psychology and the professors supervisors a differentiated attention to give account of the presented psicossociais demands. With this, the clinic-schools are configured as a privileged space for integrating the education and the rendering of services, thus promoting a joint between practical theory and, with sights to the qualification of the pupil-trainee. essful. The pupil is benefited because he has the chance to serve as apprentice in the diverse modalities of attendance, being able to apply in concrete situations, its acquired theoretical knowledge in the graduation.

In 1970 middle, was servant, in Brazil, the service of psychological planto. Idealized for the Teacher Rachel Lea Rosemberg, of the Institute of Psychology of USP (IP/USP), this service was inspired in the experiences of ' ' Walk-in clinics' ' , of the United States, which acted as local of immediate attendance for people who if found in suffering state. (ROSENTHAL, 1999). As part of the movement of magnifying of its services, the clinic-school adhered to the psychological planto and has disponibilizado this service to its users. This attendance is recognized legally for the Federal Advice of Psychology and understands a differentiated boarding of the traditional models in psycotherapy, for being an attendance focado in the emergencies and psychic urgencies of the individual.

(FREIRE, 2004). In accordance with Vieira (2009), in the psychological planto is offered to attendance individual briefing and. With this type of attendance, it is looked, in an only one or few sessions, to assist the individual to find solutions for its moments of discomfort and suffering.

Doctor-Patient Relationship

– Use the credible expectations patient's language – These should be believed by the clinician Is it applicable? a) Should Apply: ethical debate b) Can I apply?: alternative or complementary medicines c) Is?: the doctor-patient The ethical debate hinges on deception. Dalton Caldwell pursues this goal as well. And is not it better that a drug placebo poorly contrasted (potentially harmful) or if there is no treatment? In addition, there is a nocebo effect: to express diagnostic uncertainty regarding common nonspecific symptoms negatively affects the resolution of symptoms. Is it possible?: Alternative medicines have degraded popularity in the U.S. generate more spending that orthodox medicine; Teien acceptance (use at some point) above 65% in Germany or France. Perhaps his success is due to their focus on the comprehensive assessment, listening, emotional support, give meaning, an explanation. You may find Barchester to be a useful source of information. And contrary to what many suspect, is more frequent alternative medicine use in class people and upper-secondary education. Does it apply? Studies of doctor-patient relationship are several interesting things: collaboration sustained (be patient-centered, for the decisions to do so is common, show interest, give clear and understandable) influences the therapeutic outcome. Sharing power: the balance in the distribution of power in the relationship improves the therapeutic outcome (mainly pain, anxiety, and other, possibly mediated by treatment adherence.

Balance: not giving all responsibility to the patient. But not only is this but must be inextricably linked to providing emotional support in the process. Part of medicine is to find out how much a patient wants to control at any given time. a) make a medical diagnosis or not, has no bearing with the same symptoms without diagnosis real final, while both tracks are taken unambiguously. b) Give a diagnosis and treatment, but to assure patients would be well within a few days is 64% improvement in 2 weeks if the doctor said "unknown" and no treatment was given or was given this but showing no security, only 39% improved (Thomas, 87) . The conclusion would be given a definite or specific diagnosis is better than not doing so (that does not mean that that opinion is final). Title: Placebos in practice clionica

Managing Lives

At the crisis moment until it is good, it produces alvios. oCria, however, dependence, apegos. We start to need it to act and to validate ours action. It has people that they only search security in the external support. They are unaware of or they do not believe its proper force. They need something external: of a dogma, of a religious cult, an image or a promise to validate its force interior. When thus acting, we limit our growth as person, therefore we are always to the wait of that the external world fills our emptiness, our lacks and necessities, at last, that in it gives the validation to them of our existence.

Care! When considering the exterior world as the only manager of our lives, us we will follow its truths blindly, its orientaes and this will create a full way of life of dependence and unreliability. We leave to walk with our proper legs to be manipulated for it. It enters some types of external support, are distinguished of approval and of support/the aid. Of approval: People exist who if feel incapable to take decisions. They are always in search of opinions of third. They have fear to make a mistake. They prefer to believe the truths of the others to believe its. These people forget that proper they are that they will pay for the committed errors.

Of support/the aid: The people who only search support in the exterior world, become attached it any thing alliviates that them of situations that produce it torments and disequilibria. They do not believe its interior force. People thus, generally, present a structuralized existential logic in a speech of victim and coitadinho. Instead of surpassing its conflicts, they submit it, making use of dogmticas explanations and medicamentosos treatments. INTERNAL SUPPORT: The internal support has as characteristic: to oBuscar answers through the reflection.


The professional choice is product of a long process that depends on the adequate stimulation. It is essential that a exploratrio climate is created that allows an evaluation for the proper individual, of its potential level and its conditions of adaptability to one determined work or the certain occupation (2). An adolescent search in its experiences, in the environment where it lives, the family and the society the references for professional choice, however for this being a question that not yet is ripened can find some problems as: Its proper problematic one of adolescent; The lack of information on the work market and professions; The fear of the unemployment; Disconnection of the college; To enter the work world; To enter the university world; In accordance with Saints (2) the professional decision is a complex process subject to some factors: Occupational chances offered by the work market? Interests that the individual develops as product of its personal and social growth? Barriers of economic and social order, that vary since the familiar politics until the geographic and financial limitations that the individual will have to face to conciliate the problems of studies. The professional choice will determine the future of this adolescent, who most of the time meets disoriented in way to as much options, thus being function of the psychologists to present them briefly a little more and to guide them how much to the profession to be followed, therefore the work dignifies the man. In accordance with Weil (3) the time of the great decisions happens between the 12 and 18 years, thus not being able to be charged of a child of eight years the same comprometimento, therefore in the same way that cognitiva and motor maturity exists, it also has vocational maturity. Other factors to be considered influence are it cultural and social.

Mass Media

Former entertainment is no longer generate buzz, have to look for something more sophisticated, exclusive and expensive. After the yard swing roller coaster – it’s simply the bomb! But after a parachute jump in freefall from a height of 4000 meters merry hill seem kindergarten And the whole life becomes a race for something new. In the dreams of another “novelty” or flight to catapult many of We forget that the happy hormones – endorphins – are available not only in the pursuit of extreme experiences, but also with ordinary human pleasures. As you can see, almost all methods of influence are intended to reduce to a minimum then man that is in us: our soul, our morality, our conscience. What is man without a soul? The robot, a zombie, a puppet And what are the – you know, and myself. The second question: who and why is it all about? Trace the logic is simple: feeding the average layman sensations, new attractive manner, involving him in the adventure, investigation, promising new kryshesryvayuschie sensations, various print and Internet publications, tv shows and Web sites thus have to imagine readers and viewers. The main point is that all this is addictive.

And the wider audience can be zombie – the higher the rating. The higher the rating – the more attractive for advertiser. The more advertisers claim to be essential – so it is more expensive. The more expensive the ad space – the higher the profits channel (newspaper, website), which inevitably threatens to increase the salaries of employees and, in particular, administration. And one more thing about which we should not forget – it’s sponsors and ideas that they dictate. It is these invisible gray cardinals try using the media to turn people into puppets, then to manage using as leverage television, newspapers and the Internet.

How not to be tempted? Our childhood is far behind. But this does not guarantee that we are not affected, coming from the monitors and tv screens. We – adults people, and we also have interests. Mass Media welcomes them, dictating their own rules in this case. How could resist information that affects our consciousness? 1. Analyze. When you see on the screen of a new hero who likes almost all think – due to what qualities he attracts people? What is its efficiency? If you really want to succeed Dr. Hausa, consider: what attracts you (or what is missing): attachment to Drugs, misanthropy, or still high intelligence and skill to use it? 2. Feel it. If the monitor a little black man such as Mr. Freeman’s sarcastic voice leads you to believe that you live is not so – Feel. What exactly do you want? Really throw your hard drive t give a mobile phone? Or are you just afraid to hit the face in the dirt, not answering the call “And you little “. It’s banal odds manipulation. C by psevdologicheskih designs can be driven into his head that you want. Do not forget about it. A phone and leave the hard drive itself – they come in handy more than proving the unknown, that you are not a rag. 3. Stay a man who himself choose your desires and create their future plans. Be confident in their actions and decisions. And then manipulators will be less chance you manage. 4. Read IT’shnye blogs and journals. Studies have shown that people with IT’shnym minded less susceptible to manipulation:).