The Ego

As it currently is your economy, you’re in bankruptcy, poor, satisfactory, moderately satisfactory, prospers or abundant. You feel that you’ve had success or that you’ve failed or you’ve survived fairly in life. Now that you’ve reviewed your vehicle you think that it is time to give a little maintenance? If so, let’s start by knowing that the man is multidimensional and to develop fully, must be in balance in its sphere physical, emotional, mental and intellectual and economic, if any of them is more developed than the others, would be like an oval wheel, and you avanzarias to jumping and not in a uniform manner, you should therefore seek to cultivate them in harmony, so that your life is like a circle perfect that it allows you to lead your life in a uniform and harmonious manner. You should know also that feelings of hatred, anger, resentment and fear, constitute obstacles and stops on your road that prevent you happiness and maintaining a relationship of love and harmony with yourself and your loved ones; These feelings are the food that feeds the ego. Do do with which of these feelings you identify you more, with hatred?, you feel that you hate anyone in particular, you hate any ideology, philosophy or way of thinking?, you hate some circumstance? To your parents, family, friends or colleagues from school or work? You’re angry, you angry easily, you yell and you alter often say things that you later regret having do did say?, angry you with your parents and siblings, con tu pareja children or relatives and friends or colleagues from school or work? You save resentments for a long time, even years, prefers silence and save your pain before you express it? Do you know which are your main resentments? With whom these resentful with your parents, partner, friends family or school or work colleagues? Do they know it? Do you feel identified with the fear? Does fear to whom, that fact or circumstance you fear? Do you have any phobias? That in particular, you know when began your fear with that fact or circumstance is related? These basic emotions negative and distorted thoughts of pride, envy, pride, greed are the favorite foods of the ego and that you separated from God, yourself and others, however, no matter how powerful that may seem, they are vulnerable to the antidote of love, patience, tolerance, simplicity, humility and gratitude, learn to meditatefinds or creates a single, quiet place where anyone or anything you interrupt, use loose clothing and adopts a comfortable posture, for fifteen minutes observe your breathing, seeks to become aware of your inspiration and exhalation, not follow your thoughts, let them pass freely and returns to observe your breathing, practice this meditation for seven days and you will see your first results.