The Man Is More Than Skin And Bones

A journey of discovery of the philosophers of antiquity until the Gothertschen method always have the people felt that the reality which surrounds us is more than what we can see with the eyes and grasp with the hands. Already from antiquity, we have reports about the perception of subtle quality that surrounds the matter. But today we are a decisive step further. Thanks to current research on the fines, it is more and more possible to make comprehensible fine stoffliches perception and experience. It has become an experience that is teachable and learnable. Amazing how long already this topic deal with people Zenon which is merchant and the discovery of the soul. In all eras of history, in all phases of evolution, there were always new ideas and approaches that should help to perceive the subtle qualities of life and to accept their effectiveness. Ever deeper deep subtle reality people were getting into, the more comprehensive their lives changed.

As the Greek businessman Zeno of Citium in 333 BC, the subtle quality of matter discovered, he founded in the middle of his life he was 42 years old own philosophical school, the STOA. It mattered him and his students in particular, to describe the relationship between soul and body. The subtle reality for the Greek philosopher was a note on the immortality of the soul. The Stoic but went further. They were convinced that everything in the cosmos, the visible and the invisible world is interconnected, penetrate each other and interacts with each other.

Bad air, bad mood and harmony of the Universe In the Middle Ages it was the visionary Hildegard von Bingen, which most clearly pointed out the subtle reality. \”She writes: everything created answers each other\”. In their theological works, it declared urgent which influence our actions on our fellow human beings and the environment and even by the relationships with other people and our personal environment changed as we or be influenced.

Wuppertal Haeselerstrasse

Clear view guaranteed funding programmes of the KfW -! In the context of the introductory unit, Development Bank explains Rainer Feldmann the structure, content and requirements for the residential programmes for energy-efficient construction and renovation of the KfW. He reports in his multi-year experience in assessing applications for assistance and shows what problems in the application of the “EnEV” as a funding-related condition can arise. In another topic field, he will explain the background and benefits of established as well as future KfW efficiency House standards and describe the planned measures of KfW to the quality assurance in the implementation of their programmes. Experience exchange energy technology building the special feature of the event is the cross-company exchange of experience. Just the impetus from foreign colleagues and the expert input of speakers and moderators are the ones that make the event interesting. Look beyond the company, learn about other processes and ultimately the Use experience of the individual personalities for themselves, are the goals of the event or the experience exchange circle formed. The Erfa-Kreis whilst targeting business leaders, owners and executives from construction companies and design firms. The idea of open corporate, technical dialogue between companies of different sizes has proven itself.

Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, this form of exchange of experience is an effective way to gain new expertise. Because quantum leaps are only to be expected, if you look beyond the own plate! Team building consultants brings together companies for over 25 years. The construction team of consultants is a partnership organised consultancy for the construction industry. A network of 11 partners with the various core guarantees optimum solutions for the customers. These services range from strategy development through the order procurement, customer orientation, calculation, preparation, Construction site management and project management up to the recruitment and staff development, business administration, insurance, law and new media. Weng, E. Rudiger, Dr.-ing.

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-ing., an independent consultant for the construction industry, partners in the consultant team building, Managing Director of WM-Q (QualitatsVerbund planners in construction), lecturer at the Academy of architecture and College of Biberach, areas of expertise: strategy development, marketing for construction services (success clock), factor of success “Customer”, customer surveys /-workshops, optimization of acquisition, sharing circles, marketing management on part-time Dr.-ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-ing. E. Rudiger Weng contact: Dr.-ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-ing. E. Rudiger Weng fountain meadows 9 73105 Durnau + 49 7164 146088 press contact : Engineering Office for marketing, advertising and job promotion Knut Marhold 42329 Wuppertal Haeselerstrasse 94 + 49 202 751933