The Exterior

Therefore context of blackout social overwhelming is element fundamental and concrete historical that characterizes the society contemporary, ahead of this valley to say that it disables the ethical accomplishment human being, I share of meaning aristotelian of whom this practical capacity of living with straightness is entirely dependent of the context where the individual lives, however is not reasonable to ahead reprehend severely the individual of an absent position of ethics, therefore the context of clear oppression does not make possible it to develop this practical reason so longed for. In this context the quarrel around happiness is pertinent. I defend that currently viable it does not have to the alienation conditions which I related to me, however is important to emphasize that the happiness must widely be longed for, therefore to glimpse the impossibility of reach of the happiness, becomes in fact impossible.To the step that depends exclusively on the oppressed classroom so that if they can materialize the essential virtues in the society contemporary that are: mutual respect, justice, equality and freedom that must be comungados socially and not in the individual scope, beyond that they are interdependent in its application and they condition it rational life (I free of the blackout) so that thus they are effective medium. In this direction it was that I considered myself to analyze the thematic one contextualizando with the concept that we share of ethics. One becomes certain that the ethics definition encloses the capacity of independent free action and of the individual, consists essentially of affirming that it implies in a decision process. However, if to leave of this estimated fulfills to us to asseverar that this freedom implies responsibility on the exterior sphere of our actions, and in result of this responsibility drift it force coactive psychic or social for the actions that wound the accepted values morally.