And another step and then another, making room among fellow party-pats. Say what to say and do what needs to be done. (Deep breath). Mr. V.
Very good. Strategy. Technique is the great statesman who you are, no one doubts. You'll have to make painful decisions, difficult, sometimes contradictory, that you will not like to take, but you will for the good of the people. NAPLES: For the good of everyone.
But Which? Se, V. : All in good time. Now what you will see. It pays well to your peers to follow you. Money is not going to miss, if you sell or your dependents. But you've made a convincing case. And with a team of advisers in weight, to repeat what you tell them, but with data and statistics. It is the pass to your colleagues. NAPLES: But what I have to say? Mr. V. : When the time comes you'll know. For every time an emotion. (Rub your index finger with the thumb). The important thing is to be efficient and be willing to do things (repeated movement of the fingers) and travel to keep their distance. Everything is ready. NAPLES: All and all, ready to vote on the lists ready. The truth is that I feel an inner voice that inspires me. It's like living inside me a great man. Mr. V. : Well aadelante! NAPLES: A mayor. Mr. V. : Alea's boasts. NAPLES: Queeee?. "Gee that the support is?. What is that?. Mr. V. : What the die is cast!.