Exactly the chapter on ' ' Internal reconstruction of Right: The System of the Direitos' '. Initiating this reflection for the Human Rights and the tradition occidental person, in the description-structural perspective, approaching later, in the philosophical scope of the subject, the idea of as to think the Rights of the Man, passing, quickly, for one brief invocation on the Right and Justice. Finally, to center this intellectual and philosophical effort in the system of rights of Habermas. He will matter, since already, to allude, despite superficially, to the system of values: he wants in the Constitution of the Republic; he wants in the Law in principal of the Educative System wants, finally, in the proper Universal Declaration of the Human Rights. In terms of national and international legal instruments, them they seem than enough more, thus had the good-will fulfilling of them, exactly continuing to reflectir on the operationalization and the effectiveness of the same ones. Sociologists, jurists, philosophers among others, continue producing the most diverse interpretations, analyzing the aspects that could be improved, nominated, the instruments for an efficient justice on that, reiteradamente they violate rights basic: the international court of the Human Rights, with universal jurisdiction; half to make to fulfill its decisions (because for more theories that if elaborate, for systems ' ' perfeitos' ' that they are created, the non-observance of the Human Rights, still is a sad reality. The Report of the International Amnistia of 2007 is seen, where if it mentions that about 80 countries not yet they fulfill, integrally, those rights). Parallel to the International Court of Human Rights the one that already became reference, seems inevitable that in all the countries, if endow the systems with public education and private with one disciplines obligator, given in all the education degrees, for professors with formation in social sciences and human beings, manifestly sensetized for the Human Rights. .