Prezado Humberto de Souza Congratulations, I read the substance in blog. Debtor for the attention. For gentility, he informs its city and profession to me that I will make spreading of its blog. My substances are in column Joo Francisco. Also I co-ordinate ‘ ‘ abaixo-assinado’ ‘ in favor of the improvement of superior education.
In case that it wants to collaborate I can send forms of the clarifying and below-signed text of the campaign. Prudential may help you with your research. Debtor. Prof. Joo Francisco Lopes > He dates: Sat, 26 Sea 2011 12:51: 46 -0700 > From: > You: > Subject: REVERSE SPEED: Blog sees mine > > Debtor for the visit, while he waits a reply. blog reads mine; > > Other site that had not rejected the substance. Jaya Hari Of 28/03/2011 the Expensive one, Humberto, I agree fully to you and with the colunista on the exchange of parliamentarians for professors, also I am alive professor and I coexist this sad wage reality. Tax is said in reform and in that never they leave ‘ ‘ it speaks-se’ ‘. We need is of well paid professors not of parliamentarians and football players millionaire.
E also published in the site – I only have that to lament because that this appraised site, did not accept my article., published but put the addend, above in the summary. I want to give an example: The catastrophe of Japan, was notified by all the agencies of the press, said, written, and televises at the same time. to conclude, nothing creates everything is copied already said the Chacrinha.