The performances in partnership with Venezuela and Africa do not only benefit the partners. To these countries, whose industrial sector is incipient, it interests the purchase of machines and equipment produced in Brazil (NOTCIAS AGRCOLAS, 2010). The Embrapa Americas, installed in Panama in 2010, after agreement with the government of this country, acts in research and development, technological technology transfer and businesses in Panama and El Salvador. The Office of the Embrapa in Panama takes care of to the request of advising in the genetic improvement animal and improvements in the farming research to have quality of seeds better. The agreement encloses the execution of joint projects in agriculture, cattle, use of technology in small scale and natural resources to extend the base of knowledge for the sustainable development of agriculture. Panama offers to the Brazilian company conditions that allow to the establishment of lines of research for the production of energy derived from bifuels and the fortified food development (ADMINISTRATORS, 2010). Since 1998, by means of action of cooperation, the Embrapa, participates of advanced research in virtual laboratories in the United States.
These virtual laboratories today exist in three countries of the Europe and the Coreia of the south. Diverse researchers of the company participate of research of tip in these countries, promoting the knowledge interchange, in the prospection of emergent demands and the learning of new techniques (AGRICULTURAL NOTICE, 2010). By means of legal device the Embrapa, from March of 2011, the activities of the Company in the exterior had been corroborated by Law 12383. Then, the Company can exert, is of the domestic territory, any of the integrant activities of its social project. References YOU ARE SLOW.