Parc Regional Naturel

With this intention, the destined projects to value the economy and the products of biodiversity, as well as, to assure a protection accomplish of the traditional knowledge associates, in the picture of the Convention on the Biological Diversity, taking in account the works in course in the World-wide Organization of Comercio and in the World-wide Organization of the Copyright it is possible to establish a proximity politics with emphasis in the region of the Amap and French Guyana. One of the places cogitated for the physical establishment of the headquarters of the Center Franc-Brazilian of Biodiversity of the Amazonian one it is the National Park Mountains of the Tumucumaque, considered the biggest unit of conservation of tropical forest of the world. Situated in the State of the Amap, with a small portion in the State of Par, the park has area of 3,8 million hectares and makes border with the forests of the French Guyana. Still on the agreements on biodiversity the Programme Oyapock Nature exists that has as objective To promote a program of cooperation between National Park of the Handle Orange and Parc Regional Naturel woollen Guyane in the estuary of the river Oiapoque, aiming at the conservation of the environment and the natural resources of that region, through the participativa management, leading to the sustainable development in the area of the PNRG and entorno of the PNCO. In this form, to analyze the Applicability of the Public Politics in the Areas of Biodiversity in the Amazonian context is singular, a time that we intend to identify as this new form of politics comes contributing for the formation of the atrelado capital stock to the local development as inductive of the support in the areas of biodiversity in the state of the Amap. However, to study the Applicability of the Public Politics in Areas of Biodiversity as inductive of the sustainable development, in the border Franc-Brazilian, on the basis of the model of what it comes being argued on ambient conservation, will be basic to understand the paper that the State assumes while strategy for the appropriation of the resources, in order, to potencializar the local development.

State City

Of all the categories, most general, and that it includes the others, are the space. To speak of space is to argue a category that sounds many of the times, as something indefinite or infinite, however, the space as object of study of geography is something defined and finite, that possesss certain geographic and social arrangements. As Saints (1997) the space must be considered with a indissocivel set of that they participate of a side, certain geographic object arrangement, natural objects and corporate objects, and of another one, the life fill that them it livens up and them, that is, the society in movement. In accordance with Rock (2008, P. 130): ‘ ‘ The works of Milton Saints on the space very if they had supported in the conception of Lefevbre on the subject, therefore the concern biggest established in the formation of the concept of social space and its unfoldings for the reality geogrfica.’ ‘ The place is something more particular, more local, depending subject it, can be understood as, the town, the quarter, the village, the district or even though the city.

The place is where the things happen, where men, women, young and children carry through its more diverse activities. Saints (1997) to if relating the transistion of the feudalismo for the capitalism call the city of ‘ ‘ the place revolucionrio’ ‘. The city and the State are without doubts the two extraordinarier inventions produced by the mind human being, and from its existences many other facts and scientific and not scientific discoveries had become possible. The sprouting of a city in the globalization times is the result straightforward of the relation of the society and ambient space in the constitution of a territory, leading in account geographic, cultural and legal aspects. The territory generally is related to a unit politics of the space, a clipping, the example, the delimited territory of a country, or the units politics of this.

Chomitz One

This resultant of the Work of Conclusion of Course ‘ ‘ Osindicadores of the socioprodutivas changes of agriculture and the cattle one in Is doAraguaia Domingos: a study of case of the Cuxi and Almesco’ ‘ IMAZON (1998), currently in the state of Par is muitocomum to the agriculture of cut-and-burns, what it has caused a fast escaladamigratria in the intention of if getting land and producing foods.> Essasituao occurs mainly in the regions of Marab, South of Par, Transamaznica and in older areas of settling, as the Bragantina Zone, for example. 6 This state if characterizes as the possessor of maiorprojeto of irrigation of the world. 7 According to IMAZON (1998), the cattle one practised nesteestado is the extensive one, being that for this, the forests are knocked down equeimadas, for after that standing itself grassy in these ground, that are utilizadosdurante some eventually abandoning years and. The farms, in general way, possess low a density of animals, they are not manejadas in way apropriadae adjusted and the grass frequently is susceptible the illnesses and plagues. Dessaforma, the profit of weight of the animals is low the profits generally noultrapassam 10/ha/ano US$. In the agreement of Chomitz & Thomas (apud SCHNEIDER et al, 2000), the dominant activities of use in areas desmatadasso the creation of gados bovine, thus representing, 77% of the converted area emuso economic. 8 Creation of originary buffalos of India. Essesanimais had been introduced in the region due to offer meat, milk and derivadosde good quality, according to Hunter et al (1997)..