Training Factors

When the area of human resources develops jointly with the heads of other areas which is called the Annual Program of Qualification of the company, it faces the development of the obligatory phases that they sustained the success of the programs to develop in the course of the year. But it is the surprise, that when culminating the program detects that there were problems or difficulties in the development of the sessions. That step? , He is that the students were not motivated? , The exhibitor I do not let myself understand? , The schedules were not adapted. In some organizations they consider to the processes of qualification like a lost one of time and money. But the easy thing is to contract people who or know the subjects that must dominate the worker in their position, instead of to be teaching to people who estan total or partially desactualizadas. But that exists the risk that ” retiren” of the company once assimilated the knowledge and they handle with praxis the main points of its work.

Nevertheless this is not fault of the training process, exist in these organizations an injurious climate that, makes difficult coexistence between the objectives of the worker and those of the company. In important anyway, to know like people in charge of the area of human resources, that we must make to obtain a successful formation of the personnel. 1. – Obligatory Phases the success of the formation not only depends on the accomplishment of its four phases. Any program of formation without first salary is not due to initiate analyzed the needs of formation and identified salary the objectives concrete that are persecuted.

Later, ** In the third phase is necessary to design the program considering the fundamental principles of the learning is necessary to choose the formation method. Finally, the program would be evaluated to determine if the determined objectives have been obtained. 2. – The surroundings the supervisors, the companions and the organizativas policies create a climate that helps or makes difficult the transference of the learned thing to the job. ** Fundamental Principles of the learning are had to determine goals before beginning a program Which helped to direct effort to them and to motivate the employee. The use of deferential models or it practices and it activates are also important elements in the learning. For the education of a new task it must choose between the added method, that teaches the task without dividing it in subtasks completely, the released method, that divides to the task in sub tasks, or the progressive method, that teaches a component of the task and later it adds another one without stopping practicing the previous one. The best method depends on the task, according to which there is to decide if it is taught in a single session or distributed sessions.

French Wine-classification

If you visit cafes and restaurants, you have to navigate the world of wine. To this end, we publish labeling of French wines. After reading this mark, you'll probably know what quality you are offered a drink in or that cafe or restaurant. marking French wines: vdt (Vins de Table) – Marking table wines of France. For the production of wines with this label is used grapes grown in different places, year of release for such wines do not indicated.

In Russia, the wife for this category of wines too high. vdp (Vins de Pays) – marking the local wines of France. Wines in this category is made on a strictly defined territories with the characteristic varieties of grapes for this areas. Most of the wines are varietal (made from grapes of one variety) and the denomination is necessarily present on the label. vdqs (Vins Delimite de Qualite Superieur) – marking the highest quality wines, the parameters which are controlled. These wine tastings are subject to mandatory and are made on a strictly limited areas.

aoc (Appelation d, Origine Controlee) – this marking is assigned to only the best wines of France. Age of the vine which is used for the production of aoc wines category is no less than four years. On the Russian market wine under the brand aoc huge rarity. Chateau – this marking in French means "castle." Wines from Chateau prefix produce a wine region of France – Bordeaux. So if you find a bottle labeled "Chateau – Cleon" this means that before you bordeaux wine produced in the locality where the ancient castle of Cleon. All wines prefix Chateau – high quality wines, you can list a few: "Chateau Lafite, Chateau-CLIMA", "Chateau Margaux", etc. Medok – marking applies to ordinary (non-long exposure) wines made from a mixture of different sorts grapes. Wines bearing the label are not fancy, although it is qualitative. Bordeaux – marking is a collective name for about four dozen ordinary (without long aging wine). Such wine France annually produces about five hundred million bottles. The wine is quite decent. Premier cru – marking is assigned to only high quality wines. "Premier Cru" means the level of the highest quality, followed in descending order are "Dezem Crew" – the second stage, "Troisi Cru" – the third stage, Katren Crew "- the fourth stage and Senko Crew" – the fifth lowest level of quality. If the French name of the vineyard and wine Appelation in letters the same size, then in front of you high-quality wine class Premier cru. Connoisseurs of advice: If you visit restaurants in Chelyabinsk, drink good wine like drinking good wine, it is useful to humans, of course in moderation.