
To only strengthen the concepts and our reflection, it sees the meanings of the words Mediocre Inertia and, according to Michaelis dictionary. inertia sf (lat inertia) 1 Fs Property that has bodies not to modify for itself proper its state of rest or movement. 2 Falta of action, lack of activity. 3 Laziness, indolncia, torpor. 4 Incapacity. 5 Ignorance of any art. 6 passive Resistance.

Cultural, Social I.: capacity disclosed for determined cultural elements to resist the change and to perpetuate in a cultural way the one that are not adjusted. mediocre adj (lat mediocre) 1 medium Medium or. 2 Meo. 3 That it is between good and bad. 4 That it is between small great e. 5 Ordinary, sofrvel, vulgar. sm 1 That one that has little talent, little spirit, little merit. 2 What it has little value.

As we can see, inertia comes of an incapacity of change, lack of action, laziness passivity, and the mediocrity directly is related inside of this context of stagnation. Everybody wants to be successful, wants to give itself well, wants a good wage, wants promotion, recognition and power. But few are the chemical preparations for these conquests of complete, ethical form, with meritocracia and of sustainable form. The professional support passes for a process of update and constant qualification in its area of performance, and very goes beyond the knowledge pautadas technician and professional experiences in an extraordinary resume; but it is also in the capacity of interpersonal relationship, the capacity of if having empatia, in the education, the cradle, in the principles, values, in the humildade, the ethical positioning, the abilities of if communicating, persuading, and if to enhance, to give emphasis and to be reference in what you make of more good. To reach the professional support she is necessary to have positive attitudes the all instant, to have initiative, pro-activity, claw and perseverance, therefore, the look of who wants a sustainable career is not of short term, but yes a holistic vision, where each chance, exactly that it is of the first period of training or the first job, either used to advantage and faced as an only experience of learning absorption of new knowledge. A sustainable career perpassa for a learning process where constant challenges are part of the same, is a process of donation, abdication and personal belief. The professional support is in the contrahand of inertia, the mediocrity and the comfort. We can say that it is a philosophy of life, where is a process of perpetual learning, however taken root in solid bases that they give security to the professional to walk of independent, enterprising form or of prominence in any organization. The professional of today needs to be antenado, on, informing, and to search knowledge to multidiscipline to understand the dynamics of the world and the life. It needs to premake use itself new challenges, to make beyond that it he is requested, to be open to the new, the new learnings, to look in the eye, to break paradigms, barriers, to be less self-centered and more human, participativo, more collective, firm, insistent, persistent, to be focado, and less prepotent. At last, closed people stop change and with looking at myope, the proportional fruits go spoon its limited attitudes the short and long stated period. To the step that, people with eagle vision, are inclined to leave a legacy. She thinks on as you go to write its history. Thayane Fidelis de Consulting Aquino of Marketing and Sales thayane@ to read this and other articles, has access:

The Functions

The process of continued education of the new formandos suffered a lamentable deformation, where the whole world finds that it knows or have capacity to order, longs for vertical growth, but to make exactly and well fact, nor passes for the head, each day the market comes lacking more than professional trustworthy and of full hand. It increases the number of education institutions superior, grows the easinesses to make possible the access of new layers of the population to the studies, but in the same ratio he did not raise the level nor the amount of good egresses of the educational centers. If it is not less certain well that the competition was more incited and the purified requirements more, the real competitiveness did not walk in the same direction of massiva form and concrete, as much is as soon as frequent exists difficulties to fill definitive vacant provoked by the ability lack. A situation is more common where if it claims to one high number of candidates and none to take care of accurately what it is looked, of what the contrary case, terms a satiated and qualified canteira of aspirings and not to know which professional to choose, from fear to commit injustices and/or for distrust to lose extraordinary collaborators. Learn more about this with Barchester. It has forecasts of that specialties as certain engineerings and others of profile technician will have a deficit of critical human capital in next the twenty years. We dare ourselves to more still say it, much before will have an insufficience notable of good professionals, and for whom they will be in the height, the situation will be well different of the one of the present, true jewels will become and will occupy the place that times had behind not had its predecessors. The problem is most social, the unbalanced valuation of the functions, the remuneration, exemptions and the statuses inside of the companies. .

Basic Sanitation

During the years of 2005 the 2007 hear an increase of 47,11%em the expenditures of BASE with supplying degua evidenced in the SNIS. Caetit together with Victory of the Conquest occupies the 52posio of higher water the average tariff of the Bahia, being that the Bahia contm417 cities. This reality found in Caetit, does not differ muitocom the state reality, where we see 235 cities bahian (56.35%) did not constaou does not inform how much the water linkings in the agricultural zone, as said consumoper water captain of the Bahia is of 113,10l/dia.habitantes, loses it nadistribuio of water in the Bahia on average is of 20,66%. The state and federal government in partnership with asprefeituras comes developing programs as: ' ' Water for todos' ' that it has comoobjetivo to provide quality water and to all extend the services of esgotamentosanitrio in the State, in some data presented by the o Institute of Management of the Waters and Clima (ING) the water covering in the current Bahia of the agricultural zone passes of 30,8% para51.2%, whereas in the urban area the jump is of 94,3% for 98%. How much sanitary aoesgotamento, 2,3 million Bahians will be benefited, up to 2010. Noentanto the data of the SNIS show that still very for making for the saneamentobaiano. RefernciasBibliografia: National system of Information on Saneamento (SNIS), available in: (Had access in 21/01/2010) Company Baiana de guas Saneamento S.A (SHE BASES), available in: (Had access in 23/01/2010) the Company of Basic Sanitation of the State of So Paulo (Sabesp), available in: (Had access in: 17/02/2010) Ministry of the Cities, available in: (Had access in: 17/02/2010) Institute of Management of the Waters and Clima (ING), available in: (Had access in: 24/02/2010) 1 Graduating Statistics Federal pelUniversidade of the Bahia (UFBA) 2 Cacul, Ibiassuc, Paramirim, Guanambi, Igapor, Brumado, Release of Our Senhora.Desconsiderando the city of LagoReal, for presenting inconsistency in the index of water invoicing


The reflection the reflection can and must be used to put our thoughts in sequence. As to arrange a house, thus if it can also arrange the ideas. As the great theories had always tired me I tried to create my proper method. To understand the world to my return I tried to analyze everything through the popular wisdom that I consider a great philosophy based on the practical one. (Some used images sufficiently opportune and are amused). I always felt a great desfasamento between my world and the real world. In my world the important one was to be sincere, in the real world was important to be somebody. To be natural instead of representing.

To face the reality instead of lying or being deceptive. To help instead of using to advantage. I always had since the responsibility notion, to direct its proper life, its proper destination, trying not to follow fashions. Nor wanting to please at any cost. But quanta solitude when this way is chosen! With the time this solitude is changedded into a habit, in an interior force! uncovers that it is not only when a objectivo is had! A conducting wire! It has that to learn itself to develop the spirit I criticize, the lucidity, the imparcialidade, but also the love to the next one, the tolerance. Without certain values of base it is not obtained to construct nothing of solid. when the base is not solid the workmanship, for more beautiful than either, pulls down? Blog:

Life Situations

Details costumam to run away. The contractors would have not simply, to request the credentials of the company, to evaluate the aptitude and the capacity of the same one, to assume a service. As many make, they would have to also request the description of the personages who will be involved in the enterprise. Here it is there that he consolidates the true intelligence and idoneousness of the contracted organization. Finally I suggest to observe certain situations, in the hour to make its choices, to decide its positionings stops with the company, since believing or not, this also will be part of its lives, basically the results, that will be able to have a well-known influence. What it is good for one, does not have that to be necessarily good for the other and vice versa. If I did not like, if I found that one was not my place, does not want to say that it is not the ideal space for others to be developed and if to feel full, satisfied.

The climate, the real environment of work, perspectives, the respect, the degree of general satisfaction, the culture and the values of the company, would not be excessively to observe, before taking the decision of if adhering or if moving away. Benefits, status, projection, programs, plans, etc., costumam to be welcome, who do not like them? But, it thinks and it rethink in the exchanges that will be making, what it is neglecting, if are valid the penalty certain sacrifices, until when and with which intensity it will have to deliver and to apply the forces, if really some thing deserves more attention of what you, its integrity, if are not possible to get better and bigger returns treading other ways other stoppings. For each stage of the life specific necessities exist, each moment demands to appreciate different situations and elements. Decidedly, each in case that it is a case. It is taken care of!.


Subcategorias exist that appraise subject: Accessibility architectural: it does not have urban barriers in the spaces or equipment and the individual or collective ways of transport. Comunicacional accessibility: it does not have barriers in the interpersonal communication (face-the-face, language of signals), writing (periodical, magazine, book, letter, emends, including texts in braile, use of the portable computer) and virtual (digital accessibility). Metodolgica accessibility: it does not have barriers in the methods and techniques of study (pertaining to school), of work (professional), communitarian action (social, cultural, artistic etc.) and of education of the children (familiar). Instrumental accessibility: it does not have barriers in the instruments, utensils and tools of study (pertaining to school), work (professional) and leisure or recreation. Programmatical accessibility: it does not have invisible barriers inlaid in public politics (laws, decrees, you would carry) and norms or regulations (institucional, enterprise, etc.). Atitudinal accessibility: it does not have preconceptions, stigmata, esteretipos and discriminations. Therefore accessibility is much more that access possibility.

I must stand out that here treatment of only one of the many on questions to the subject, the aspect that I consider is as we start to perceive the accessibility lack when we are in adverse situation. But when I needed to move itself of crutches it is that I extended my look for this question. To think about made me to accessibility to observe things that before I did not repair. Saramago had reason when it affirmed: ' ' If pods to look at see, if it sees repara.' ' I did not reflect with depth on the subject. I observed, for example, the lack of respect to the exclusive vacant for people with deficiency, I verified that in some places they exist, but nor always they are respected, that in others they are absurd, as in the agency of the Bradesco bank in Capivari, the person with deficiency parks the car of a side there and the slope of access to the door is of the other side, to the side of the exclusive vacant does not have slope.