Brazilian Association

It worked as sub-publisher of the blog/site of the journalist and presenter of program GNT Fashion, Lilian Pacce, and it collaborated for sites RG Vogue, Radar55, Who Online, Chic and FilmeFashion, beyond substances for the periodical Leaf of So Paulo, periodical Leading Brazilian business newspaper, magazine Catherine and magazines Who, Marie Claire and RG Vogue. The comuniclogo brings in its blog, Descolex, that the industry of the fashion in Brazil represented an esteem invoicing of US$ 47 billion in 2009 – given of the Brazilian Association of Textile Industry and Confection (Abit). This means a participation of about 3,5% in the Brazilian GIP. The sector still is 2 bigger employer of the transformation industry, with 1,65 million formal jobs, of which 75% are of feminine man power. The main import clothes countries and fashion are EUA, Germany, Hong Kong, the United kingdom and Japan, followed for France, China, Italy, Mexico and Belgium. Brazil occupies 42 position (SNAKE, 2008).

The data above show that fashion concept that was associated only to clothes, mainly in the specialized areas more of the feminine segment of clothes, high-sews e, more recently, prt–porter or ready-to-wear, today was diversified and extended in such a way in the cultural sector how much in the economic one, spreading for several other segments, as perfume and cosmetics, eyeglasses, accessories, furniture, trips and even though music. To work with fashion is to make a releitura of the ego and of the vanity human being, it moves with psique of the people. Valley to stand out that when a estilista creates a part, it becomes fashion because the people buy this idea and start to use it. Its work, therefore, is an activity to multidiscipline involving and concomitantly challenging a time that makes a ressignificao of the behavior of the people. 5,3 BEHAVIOR OF the CONSUMER IN the BRANCH OF the FASHION the knowledge of the 0 variable of influence on the purchase preferences is important so that the entrepreneurs characterize its products and its services, considering effectively the desires and necessities of the consumer and guiding its offers for the market.

Physical Activities

‘ ‘ foot diabtico’ ‘ it is a resultant syndrome of related sistmicos factors to diabetes, such as: angiopatia, diabetic neuropatia and infection. This syndrome it is characterized for injuries that include since subclnicas ischemic alterations, until necrosis to tissular gradual, frequently associated to the infection, being able to evolve for amputation (ABBOTT 2007). Objective: To tell the lived deeply experience as learning of the sixth semester of the graduation in nursing in the accomplishment of an educative action. Methodology: The educative action was developed in health of the family in the UBS of the situated CDHU/Palanque in the region east of the city of So Paulo with men and carrying women of diabetes mellitus invited by the communitarian agents of health to participate of an educative workshop for quarrel of the subject ‘ ‘ to live healthful and the cares with the feet for prevention of agravos’ ‘. We opt to the accomplishment of an educative workshop, that in accordance with Chiesa and Verssimo (2001) is a strategy used with the emancipatria and critical purpose that it searchs to rescue the espontaneidade and to promote the participation and group interaction. The educative action if gave by means of some stages: ) the accomplishment of a dynamics of presentation and integration with the objective to bring the affective aspects of the experience of the participants; b) one second dynamics with sights to rescue the feelings of the participants in relation to its history of life and experience with the illness ‘ ‘ diabetes mellitus’ ‘ ; c) a boarding with dialogued exposition using audiovisuais resources and with exchange of knowledge; d) accomplishment of hidratao and massage of the feet and cut of nails (with the participation of an invited podloga) providing auto-esteem and personal valuation; e) educative pamphlet distribution and creams for continuity of the cares with the feet in house.

Results: The participants had evaluated the good workshop as (95.0%) and very good (5.0%). In the end they had evaluated with a word, detaching: we want more, was very good, we adore. After the activity had demonstrated to more interest and adhesion in the actions offered for the unit. Conclusion: One considers basic the integral assistance and the education in health to the carrying patients of diabetes, contributing with the reinforcement of the autonomy, autocuidado and the prevention of agravos, also of the diabetic foot. It was a rewarding experience, providing to us to learning and professional growth.

Intensive Therapy

Therefore, the proper one Federal government searched to promote the humanizao in the hospital environment, therefore, the same it is a basic resource in the recovery and to establish a good convivncia and relations between the involved ones. 2 PROPOSAL It is important to stand out that this work of presented field the FACLIONS, as partial requirement of the specialization course, in thesis with the objective to characterize the profile of the following 0 variable: 1. Etria band; 2. Click New York Life to learn more. Sex; 3.

Level of kinship; 4. The reason to be in the UTI; 5. Constant information; 6. Information guide the doubts; 7. It receives orientaes in the schedule from visits: 7.1. The orientaes are proportionate for the professionals of the health. 8.

The main factor that bothers the visitors during the visit to the patient; 9. Conception of the visitors on the proportionate cares to the patients for the health professionals; 10. Vision of the visitors on proportionate attendance to patient of the UTI. 3. MATERIAL AND METHOD First the participants of the research had been informed of the nature of the same one, clarifying they who are about a specialization work, informed all prontinente had accepted to participate of the research. It is important to point out that the field work, was used as resource the application of questionnaire with the visitors of the patients interned in the Unit of Intensive Therapy of a particular hospital of Ceres-Gois.

Printer Picture

In the subcategory ‘ ‘ aspects negatives’ ‘ it was formed two subcategories: subcategory ‘ ‘ Difficulty’ ‘ represented for the code (SRDAp), and subcategory ‘ ‘ problems’ ‘ represented for the code (SRP). Create pdf with GO2PDF will be free, if you wish you removes this line, click here you buy Virtual pdf Printer Picture 4.0. Distribution of the symbolic categories, abstracted from the interview half-structuralized, on ‘ ‘ actions developed for the unit in the sectorial scope and intersetorial’ ‘. Category: Sectorial and intersetoriais educative actions Subcategoria positive aspects Code thematic Unit orqudea thematic Unit tulipa sectorial educative Activities SRAes lectures we are we ourselves who we make the lectures and I always go in the house sees if it is making, if will not be people it calls the nurse and it takes it there when people call the children, we say on the dentist people makes the nurse together with and doctor, the lectures Who carries through the lectures is the Dra. Nurse I also already participated of lectures that same I gave community participates as invited Intersetoriais educative activities SRAeis we have the psychologist of the house of the family when we have problems with parents who do not take care of of the children, in them call the sentry therefore are had the staff of the college, were very pretty all like when she appears different people with new features polices it councilmen to depend on the subject the DIRES helps in the education and health, as the Affection the only ones that already they had made lectures here had been to the girls of the FASB of nursing In always we have aid of the Secretariat of Health We invite the members of the community I publish SRPa target mainly aged, hipertensos aged gestantes parents with and the children group of tuberculosos adolescents.

Adolescent, aged, hipertensos, diabetic, gestantes Types of SRTp action lectures on illnesses and personal hygiene the PSF, work more education in …com health the aged ones are more socialization, so that they have quality of life all participate, as much the ACS as the employees morning interns are the visit of the doctor and the afternoon of the nurse Except this the health fairs The walked ones that people make Also we make visits domiciliary all week Subcategoria negative aspects SRDap Difficulties is difficult to work with the group of the adolescents the vices that the adults have already are constituted are not inviting plus other professionals, for being almost at the end of the year the doctor participate when people mark with antecedence, because she has the visits Now domiciliary when she comes somebody as soon as is interested that she wants I came the space to be open Problems SRP In we are identifying the sectors to them that need a bigger attention Type the aged ones, that the actions of health on the aged one not yet are very efficient in terms of municipal theatres Create pdf with GO2PDF will be free, if you wish you removes this line, click here you buy Virtual pdf Printer 5,0 QUARREL the data related here had been gotten through the half-structuralized interview that also holds the test of free association of words and the group dynamic..

Salvador Health

In this context, in 1967, the AD ones (domiciliary assistance) for dead person IAMPSE was created, with the objective to diminish the overload of the hospital stream beds. Only arriving this service Salvador in 1996. This service takes care of the degenerative chronic illnesses in such a way as some illnesses of short duration or agudizadas, as well as, in a general way, are the process of population aging that took the domiciliary attendance to develop itself more. 4. DEFINING the DOMICILIARY ATTENDANCE the term domiciliary internment, domiciliary attendance, domiciliary assistance or home care is used with ample direction of a service of domiciliary assistance understanding a gamma of cares to the health given in the residence of the patient and destined to the therapeutical support of the patient. (FLORIANI; SCHRAMM, 2004, P.

987). According to Marreli (1997, apud FERNADES; FRAGOSO, 2005, P. 175), domiciliary attendance understands a component continuum of the care to the health by means of which the health services are offered to the individual and its family in its places of residence, as objective to promote, to keep or to restore the health or to maximize the independence level, minimizing the effect of the incapacities or illnesses. Consubstanciando with the displayed one, is understood for domiciliary attendance to be a program of domiciliary internment in which the patient requires cares in its residence. a modality of attention to the health that consists of directing for treatment, the clinically steady patient who more does not need innumerable services offered for the hospital. A safe and efficient option offered to the patients with health problems, thus preventing to display the patients to the risks of the hospital environment as well as improving its quality of life and its familiar ones. These services have the purpose of to promote, to keep, to reestabilizar the health or to minimize the effect of diverse diseases, going since cares of the daily life (feeding, hygiene, locomotion and clothes), cares with the medication and dressings to the cares of high hospital technology as the enteral/parenteral nutrition, dialysis, transfusion of blood, chemotherapy, antibioticoterapia, among others, thus establishing, services I also medicate and of nursing of 6 up to the 24 hours to the day, counting on support net disgnostic and other therapies and including the support communitarian as transports and external tasks as gone to the bank or pharmacy for the patient.