Basic Sanitation

During the years of 2005 the 2007 hear an increase of 47,11%em the expenditures of BASE with supplying degua evidenced in the SNIS. Caetit together with Victory of the Conquest occupies the 52posio of higher water the average tariff of the Bahia, being that the Bahia contm417 cities. This reality found in Caetit, does not differ muitocom the state reality, where we see 235 cities bahian (56.35%) did not constaou does not inform how much the water linkings in the agricultural zone, as said consumoper water captain of the Bahia is of 113,10l/dia.habitantes, loses it nadistribuio of water in the Bahia on average is of 20,66%. The state and federal government in partnership with asprefeituras comes developing programs as: ' ' Water for todos' ' that it has comoobjetivo to provide quality water and to all extend the services of esgotamentosanitrio in the State, in some data presented by the o Institute of Management of the Waters and Clima (ING) the water covering in the current Bahia of the agricultural zone passes of 30,8% para51.2%, whereas in the urban area the jump is of 94,3% for 98%. How much sanitary aoesgotamento, 2,3 million Bahians will be benefited, up to 2010. Noentanto the data of the SNIS show that still very for making for the saneamentobaiano. RefernciasBibliografia: National system of Information on Saneamento (SNIS), available in: (Had access in 21/01/2010) Company Baiana de guas Saneamento S.A (SHE BASES), available in: (Had access in 23/01/2010) the Company of Basic Sanitation of the State of So Paulo (Sabesp), available in: (Had access in: 17/02/2010) Ministry of the Cities, available in: (Had access in: 17/02/2010) Institute of Management of the Waters and Clima (ING), available in: (Had access in: 24/02/2010) 1 Graduating Statistics Federal pelUniversidade of the Bahia (UFBA) 2 Cacul, Ibiassuc, Paramirim, Guanambi, Igapor, Brumado, Release of Our Senhora.Desconsiderando the city of LagoReal, for presenting inconsistency in the index of water invoicing