Charles Darwin

The theory of the motivational systems offers this alternative: in the earliest childhood (in fact in the uterus) aversivo motivational system is developed in response to the necessity to react with distant antagonism and/or against any internal or external distnico stimulus. Any fault of regulation of any other system not to respond to physiological needs, to the privacy of attachment, the exploration and affirmation of preferences, or to the sensual pleasure will do that the infant laments itself, fights, cries, threatens the fist, frunza the frown, shakes, turns aside the glance, backs down, he is put rigid, or he is put flcido. When the caretakers they respond to these affection, gestures, and conducts, eliminating the cause of the affliction or, at least, remaining to his side and comforting it (serving like contenedora function (Bion, 12), the aversivo system, during the first year of life, will be organized around effective signals. The anger is an answer to the frustration and can be extinguished if the frustration is surpassed or is eliminated. The rage can also be triggered by the frustration but it implies a feeling of narcisista wound, an offense to the pride, a shame and humiliation to the sense of self. The rage state, with its muscular contraction and increase in the cardiac beat and sanguineous pressure, eliminates the sensation of defenselessness associated with the damaged feeling of self it replaces and it by a provisional feeling of omnipotence invulnerabilidad. What causes hatred? Charles Darwin said that their roots were in the revenge and the defense of the own interests. " If we have been or we hoped to be attacked by somebody () that somebody it will be to us indifference; and the indifference becomes odio&quot easily; , that one scientist said. Erich Fromm 13 agrees this time from Psychology with the vision of Darwin: hatred arises like answer to " it threatens (of somebody or something) the vital interests of one persona".