Education And Success

Kindergarten, school, college, work – this way ugotovlen state for man. And the ultimate goal of education as you see – it's a good job, preferably with a high salary. And so here. The question arises about the requirements for education. What level of training, employers expect from graduates of the school and university? If we take the statistics, the presence of even a few higher education does not ensure that decent work will ever be found. How many people does what brings them pleasure and also a good income? Is not that the purpose of education – to give people all the skills, knowledge and tools to man lived a life worthy of applying it in practice in any case? But the fact remains. Knowledge acquired at school and at university are not applicable in life by 98%. Unfortunately, in school, students trying to push that in the future simply forgotten.

Knowledge that a person receives in schools, applied only once in the exam. After that we obtain a new piece of knowledge and the exam again. The chain looks like this: learned, passed, I forgot. Such knowledge may be only broaden horizons, that is debatable. A why such knowledge is given to expanding horizons? And what knowledge is necessary and important? Of course, the century will remain a mystery why the school did not explain how to eat properly, how to be healthy and strong as I find cool work and earn money as much as you need (and what is generally the money and where they come from?), how to find a life partner, how to build relationships, how to effectively communicate, persuade, etc. It is understandable why a principal at the school say no be. Because the vast majority of teachers do not have any health or personal happiness or money. Find out how much teachers earn.

Judging by the salaries, the most unnecessary occupations – a teacher and a doctor the way theme Money hardly rises in educational institutions, especially at school. You would think, of course, that the economic department of the guys all know about the financial sector, which is very doubtful. Many economists and public the results of the guys are making in practice? What exhaust gives a wholesale desire to obtain economic education? As you can see, the theme is very topical. In practice, people constantly use the following skills: Ability read. Ability to write, draw. Numeracy. Ability to move – walk, run, etc. Ability to do your hands – nails to hammer, sew, build a house, etc. Ability to speak and sing. and most mysterious skill – the ability to think. In Basically this is sufficient in life. These skills are necessary for success. But how these skills are developed and how effectively applied in real life? That the average person can do with their hands? Can the singing? Can the communicate, negotiate? How physically active? How to build relationships with people? How well does the thinking? And how do measure – the level of thinking of different people? Test iq, I think, not quite what you need. Well, consider writing read the good of the school teaches. And on this very much. I think the school is developing another skill that is extremely unpleasant and unnecessary – the ability to absorb information and apply it. Absorb and remember. For success in life is certainly not useful. And what education, we should receive and what kind of education we get? While that question remains open.