Human Environment

To give a first step for that it benefits the society is important for the human development today. Practical the educative ones in Ambient Education basically appeal courses and restricted informative campaigns to the pertaining to school space, exploring little the excursions, the works of field and the daily situations. The predominance of hearing strengthens obsolete ideas, that is, it is only learned hearing. Currently, the most varied languages they are basic in educative process, mainly those that allow to the interaction and the experimentation. The school must present chances to form the citizen, in all the dimensions human beings, not only in reference to the acquisition of knowledge, of capacity of intelectivo reasoning, but the affective, creative dimensions, of respect and valuation to excessively and to the environment. For Reigota (1995) the boarding of the education for the environment appeared, first, in 1972, in the Conference of United Nations for the Human Environment, carried through in Estocomo, Sweden.

Recommendation 96, of the Declaration of Estocomo, indicated the necessity to carry through an ambient education, as strategical instrument in the search of the improvement of the quality of life and in the construction of the development. According to Neiman, (2002, p146): The ambient education has as one of its objectives to form conscientious citizens of its relation with the nature and its habitat. Ahead of this, one concludes that it, independently of the methodology, it must primar for the formation of conscientious people of its paper and its relation with the environment in order to primarem for the support, through the rational use of the natural resources, so that as much this how much the future generations can of them also usufruct. For Neiman (2002) the nature is not inexhaustible source of resources, its reserves is finite and must be used in rational way, preventing wastefulness and considering the recycling as vital process.