Injection Vs. Carburetor

A long time ago that the use of fuel injection systems, carburetors have largely displaced, at least in the world of automobiles. But this does not apply when it comes to two-wheeled vehicles. Let us look at what each power system, and discover the realities and myths about jet injection. To begin to describe the injection systems we can say that is a fuel supply system for internal combustion engines. The injection allows better fuel metering, thanks to electronics and various sensors can obtain a more homogeneous mixture according to the needs of the driver, and environmental regulations against pollution. Injection systems can be multipoint or single point. This is related to the number of nozzles having the system, has a unique single point injector for all cylinders, while the multipoint have an injector for each cylinder of the engine. Electronic calculators injection (called ECU or ECM) also manage part of the ignition in the combustion process, also have a map of injection for all operating conditions and engine speed, performance improvement and consumption across all circumstances.

The first steps of injection occurred in 1980, the first system used was the indirect injection, which consists in making the injection of fuel in the intake manifold, in later years came, direct injection, which consists of injecting fuel into the combustion chamber. The latter system is more suitable for reducing fuel consumption. Before turning to the carburetors, let lambda probe, which is part of the injection system. The Lambda sensor is a device that is mounted in the exhaust pipe before catalyst, which receives data from the configuration of the exhaust gases and, depending on your reading, command the necessary modifications to injection maintain the ratio at its optimum.