Managing Director

These include lyricist, search engine specialists, Web designers, photographers, but also bloggers and Web2. 0-specialists. So that their performance on the platform of the service can be booked, so-called power modules with project prices must be agreed. Mark Muschelknautz, as Managing Director for communications and marketing responsible, explains: when an average customer project, a campaign pilot often coordinates a team of three to four specialists who are available depending on the task and bring their respective services. A designer from Hamburg, a Typo3 programmer from Jena and the search engine specialist from the Rhine-main area. Our goal is to have any performance in the portfolio, which is our users while helping to run effective marketing campaigns. Press contact lead factory GmbH & co. KG Berliner str 257 63067 Offenbach company about the company: our motto: we produce new customers.

For all services needed -We provide distribution, advertising, online marketing in an automated process via an Internet service platform. Our customers are advised what marketing and sales tools are most effective for them. So is the plan for an individual or preconfigured campaign. Via our Internet platform, these campaign plans can be then implemented and operated over a defined period of time. To monthly costs.

Results and trends from these measures are always transparent and measurable. Lead factory maintains a nationwide network of connected, certified partner, which provided as part of campaigns are booked. These include marketing consultant, as well as creative and programming specialists. We focus on online marketing, because the German medium-sized businesses in the international comparison here has the most catching up to do. In addition, coverage and cost structures of Web-based measures are today more attractive than conventional advertising. The founder of the lead factory sit together medium-sized entrepreneurs and marketers, including Michael Louis, co-founder of the US software manufacturer Mindjet and formerly entrepreneur of the year in the field of ICT, Stephan Dorfner, family entrepreneur and former CEO of Gebruder Dorfner GmbH & co. kaolin-and Crystal quartz sand works KG, as well as founder of 1stplan GmbH. Albrecht Ackermann and Mark Muschelknautz round out the team to bring together more than twenty years experience in operational marketing for various companies and agencies a.