Tips For Removing Figures Sins

coretelligence outlined approaches to the Elimination of the five biggest problems of the performance indicator systems, Bad Oeynhausen / may 25, 2010 – the methods currently used in the scorecard are often not sufficiently practical according to a survey of business-consulting coretelligence. So, the business decision-makers in medium-sized and large enterprises are mostly alone already therefore not satisfied, because it keep coming back to wrong decisions with far-reaching consequences. Only every fifth respondent is good grades the internally established procedure, another 31 percent judge satisfactorily. coretelligence has tips together can be therefore, eliminated as the particularly gross sins in dealing with key figures: the figures free from subjective reviews and develop instead of objective metrics: are corporate decisions based on individual understanding of key figures, arise inevitably risks due to subjectively limited perspectives. In particular by the work and task distribution Conditions in the companies they have usually only a limited and related to their area of responsibility point of view on the key figures.

Such a risk of miscalculation can be avoided only if there are clear and universally accepted metrics definitions, which are derived from the company’s overarching and aligned to the business model objectives. Thus, the interpretation of the figures is left to not very specific understanding of individuals or groups (teams / departments). Ensure the traceability of the key figure: an analysis of issues in the business helps limited for decisions if there are demarcated and thus ultimately abstract figures. Because, why it has come to this situation, for example, a decline in sales for a particular product is not derived solely from this code. The knowledge of the origin of a key figure is however vital, because can be initiated only on the basis of a consideration of the cause, the necessary measures to optimize. For a better understanding, it is therefore necessary to design so-called key figure passes in which the emergence, the benefits, the use and the entire biography of the relevant code is shown.