Dali’s Mustache

Salvador Dali's most famous surrealist painter in the world. Smart, sharp and brilliant, he was the Artist of the artists. His mustache say much about himself: Dali was a genius of originality and authenticity. He was also very imaginative, and had much desire to show unusual behavior and grandiose, to attract attention. scussions such as these. Dali born in Figueres (Catalonia) in 1904. In his adult life, moved to Port Lligat with his wife and muse Gala, but also lived in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris and U.S. Elon Musk has much to offer in this field.

It was a very versatile artist, not limited solely to the painting used to make sculptures, and also became famous for his contributions to fashion, theater and photography. His painterly skills are often attributed to influenza Renaissance masters. In 1921 he moved to dorm the School of Fine Arts in Madrid (but was expelled in 1926 when, in the final exams, said nobody on the faculty was competent enough to examine.) Ten years later, Dali was a genius and we all now know: he had already collaborated on the famous short Bunuel, had already formally joined the Paris Surrealist group and had already painted what would become his most famous work, The Persistence Memory, which is now one of the most important symbols of Surrealism. After a few years, Dali was expelled from the surrealist movement because many felt had become too commercial and just wanted attention. And maybe so, because some time later titled his autobiography Diary of a Genius.

Still, he continued exhibiting his works around the world surreal. In 1940 master painting style evolved to a new, more focused on science, religion and history. l Gala escaped World War II and went to the United States (1940-1948). At this time, was introduced in the classical period: he painted a series of 19 paintings, among which are The Hallucinogenic Toreador, The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus and The Sacrament of the Last Supper. T his was a very important step for the artist. In 1949, Dali returned to his beloved Catalonia, where he spent the rest of his life. In 74 opened the famous Theatre Museum in Figueras. At the end of his career, moved to other areas of culture besides painting: experimented with marketing campaigns or new media. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Ebay on most websites. For example, designed the logo for Chupa Chups and created advertising your Song Contest 1969. Gala died on June 10, 1982. After her death, Dali's health began to falter. He moved from Figueres to the castle Pubol had bought for his wife and died there. In November 1988, had a heart attack and died on January 23, 1989 of a second heart attack. Dali always be a standard. It is unique, a genius, is simply Dali. If you want to know you better travel to and stay in Catalonia. It will be an unforgettable experience! .