Salvador Health

In this context, in 1967, the AD ones (domiciliary assistance) for dead person IAMPSE was created, with the objective to diminish the overload of the hospital stream beds. Only arriving this service Salvador in 1996. This service takes care of the degenerative chronic illnesses in such a way as some illnesses of short duration or agudizadas, as well as, in a general way, are the process of population aging that took the domiciliary attendance to develop itself more. 4. DEFINING the DOMICILIARY ATTENDANCE the term domiciliary internment, domiciliary attendance, domiciliary assistance or home care is used with ample direction of a service of domiciliary assistance understanding a gamma of cares to the health given in the residence of the patient and destined to the therapeutical support of the patient. (FLORIANI; SCHRAMM, 2004, P.

987). According to Marreli (1997, apud FERNADES; FRAGOSO, 2005, P. 175), domiciliary attendance understands a component continuum of the care to the health by means of which the health services are offered to the individual and its family in its places of residence, as objective to promote, to keep or to restore the health or to maximize the independence level, minimizing the effect of the incapacities or illnesses. Consubstanciando with the displayed one, is understood for domiciliary attendance to be a program of domiciliary internment in which the patient requires cares in its residence. a modality of attention to the health that consists of directing for treatment, the clinically steady patient who more does not need innumerable services offered for the hospital. A safe and efficient option offered to the patients with health problems, thus preventing to display the patients to the risks of the hospital environment as well as improving its quality of life and its familiar ones. These services have the purpose of to promote, to keep, to reestabilizar the health or to minimize the effect of diverse diseases, going since cares of the daily life (feeding, hygiene, locomotion and clothes), cares with the medication and dressings to the cares of high hospital technology as the enteral/parenteral nutrition, dialysis, transfusion of blood, chemotherapy, antibioticoterapia, among others, thus establishing, services I also medicate and of nursing of 6 up to the 24 hours to the day, counting on support net disgnostic and other therapies and including the support communitarian as transports and external tasks as gone to the bank or pharmacy for the patient.